Healthy Kinks. What Does That Mean Anyway?
Hi there Beauty! Have you ever tried brainstorming a brand name for a business idea you have? Let me tell you, it is NOT EASY. You write down all these amazing names and go do a Google search to find out someone else is already using the name and it’s even harder to pin down your domain name! GOSH!
Anyway, in trying to find a name for our brand all sorts of ‘out there’ names came to mind. Names that sounded all intriguing and adventurous, lol. In the end though I told myself I wanted to keep it simple and I wanted that when persons hear the name, they would know exactly what the brand is about, or at least they would have a good idea right.
So I knew I wanted the focus of our hair care line to be on kinky/coily hair. There was already so much on the market centered around ladies with luscious loose curls, and our beautiful kinks, coils and tightly curled beauties were not being represented. That’s how the ‘Kinks’ came into being.
Kinks, in itself, was not enough though. We needed to build around that. What is it that we are trying to achieve with our kinks? Is it length? Is it moisture? Is it manageability? After racking my brain for a while the word ‘healthy’ came to mind. Looking up the word ‘healthy’ on some of the words that spoke to me with respects to what I wanted for our kinks were:
Lively, strong, blooming, flourishing, in good shape, restored, well, whole
I thought to myself, BAM – that’s it!! Put it all together and what do you get – Ding, dong, lol. Can you remember that song we played hand games as kids – ‘hooottt dddooooggg’.
Seriously though, the two words fit together perfectly and portrays exactly what our products are aimed to do. Help your kinks to be the healthiest they can be. Our favorite three words in thinking about the line is ‘Moisture, Shine & Manageability’. If you have those three things, healthy kinks are well on the way.
What about you? What comes to mind when you thing about healthy kinks?
- Healthy Kinks Botanicals Inc.
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